Industry news - Wageloch

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Changes to paid family domestic violence leave: what you need to know
January 18, 2023

Did you know that employees will soon be able to access 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave each year? As a result, we’re adding a new default …

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Changes to paid family domestic violence leave
How to manage holiday leave with ease
December 20, 2022

Would you like to take a proper break these holidays, without worrying about employee leave getting messier than the living room floor on Christmas morning? Then you’ll be happy to …

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Why you need employee onboarding software
December 1, 2022

Did you know a whopping 1.3 million people changed jobs in the year ending February 2022? That’s 9.5 percent of the Australian workforce – the highest rate of job mobility …

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Changes to hospitality award wages: what you need to know
October 27, 2022

Last month, the Fair Work Commission made changes to the annualised wage and salary arrangement clauses in both the Hospitality and Restaurant Awards. What does it mean for your business? …

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4 reasons why you need integrated HR software
October 5, 2022

As HR processes become more complex in a world of remote work, rising absenteeism and ongoing disruptions, businesses that neglect to invest in integrated, automated workforce management and HR software …

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We’re Now ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certified!
March 28, 2022

Here at Wageloch, we’re geeking out over our new ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications. But what does it mean for you? Let’s take a look… What is ISO 9001 …

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Single Touch Payroll Phase 2: Are you ready?
October 28, 2021

Have you heard the next phase of Single Touch Payroll (STP) is being rolled out in January 2022? Before you put it in the too-hard basket, keep reading. Because we’re …

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Our biggest business lesson? Ride the wave
August 27, 2021

No-one could have predicted how things would look in a COVID-riddled world. With the rules constantly changing, nothing has been certain. Amidst lockdowns, Zoom meetings and shifting priorities, what’s kept …

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The SCHADS Award: is your business compliant?
July 22, 2021

Bamboozled by industry awards and pay rates – and how to keep your business compliant? To help you make sense of things, we’re spotlighting one award that could cover you …

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wageloch mobile app
The Wageloch mobile app: everything you need to know
March 18, 2021

As pandemic restrictions ease around the world, they have dramatically changed the way we interact in the workplace. So, now’s the time when it’s most important to be agile and …

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